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This function processes clusters of tables and regroups tables that are included in each other within each cluster. It leverages the relationships identified by grp_tab_names() and uses the grouped structure of tables from list_split.


grp_tab_in_cluster(list_split, list_translation_tables)



A list of clusters of tables, where each cluster contains nested data frames. Typically, this is the output of the split_in_clusters() function.


A list of results from grp_tab_names() containing inclusion relationships and mappings of table names to their respective groups.


A list of tibbles (big_tibble_eg) for each cluster, where each tibble contains:

  • table_name: The updated table name based on grouping.

  • data: Nested data corresponding to the original table structure.

  • spanning: Columns that define the structure of each table.

  • tab_inclus: A list of original table names included within each grouped table.


The resulting tibble contains updated table names (to align with the group mapping) and metadata for each independent table in the cluster. Additionally, it tracks which tables are included within each group.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# Convert wide metadata to long format
metadata_pizza_lettuce_long <- wide_to_long(metadata_pizza_lettuce)

# Identify hierarchical relationships
list_hrc_identified <- identify_hrc(metadata_pizza_lettuce_long)

# Split tables into clusters
list_split <- split_in_clusters(list_hrc_identified)

# Detect inclusion relationships
list_desc_links <- create_edges(list_split)

# Group tables based on inclusion relationships
list_translation_tables <- grp_tab_names(list_desc_links)

# Regroup tables within each cluster
list_independent_tables <- grp_tab_in_cluster(list_split, list_translation_tables)

# View structure of the results
} # }