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This function splits a data frame into a list of data frames (or clusters), where each cluster represents a group of linked tables. Tables are grouped based on the field variable and their corresponding indicator values. The hierarchical relationships specified in the hrc_* columns are also considered.





A list returned by the identify_hrc function. The first element of the list must be a data frame containing the variables:

  • field: A grouping variable.

  • hrc_field: The hierarchical counterpart of field.

  • indicator: A variable used to link tables.

  • hrc_indicator: The hierarchical counterpart of indicator.


A named list of data frames. Each element of the list corresponds to a cluster of linked tables, and the names of the list elements reflect the hierarchical grouping path.


The function handles cases where the field variable is constant across the data frame or when field varies, in which case the data frame is split by field and further split by indicator and hrc_indicator.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

metadata_pizza_lettuce_long <- wide_to_long(metadata_pizza_lettuce)
# Identify hierarchical relationships
list_hrc_identified <- identify_hrc(metadata_pizza_lettuce_long)
# Split into clusters
list_split <- split_in_clusters(list_hrc_identified)

# View the structure of the result
} # }