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Presentation of the package

The rtauargus package provides an R interface for τ-Argus. It allows to:

  • create inputs (asc and rda files) from data in R format;
  • generate the sequence of instructions to be executed in batch mode (arb file) ;
  • launch a batch τ-Argus in command line;
  • retrieve the results in R.

These different operations can be performed at once, but also in a modular way. They allow the integration of tasks performed by τ-Argus in a processing chain written in R.

The syntax of some of the arguments closely matches the batch syntax of τ-Argus. This allows you to use a large number of features without multiply the arguments of the functions. The package can also be adapted to more easily to possible modifications of the software (new available methods, additional options…). Syntax rules for the batch writing are in the reference manual of τ-Argus.

The package was developed on the basis of open source versions of τ Argus (versions 4.1 and higher), especially the latest version available during development (4.2.3)._

It is not compatible with version 3.5.**_

For the moment, only microdata are accepted as input (not data already tabulated).

Purpose of this document

This document aims to show how the main features of the can be articulated, based on relatively simple examples. A detailed documentation of a function (exhaustive list of arguments, technical aspects…) is available via the dedicated help section.

For the following demonstration, a fictitious microdata set will be used :

microdata <-
    V1    = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C"),
    V2    = c("Y", "Z"),
    V3    = c("T1", "T2", "T1", "S_", "T1", "T1", "T1", "S_"),
    VAL   = c(100, 0, 7, 25, 0, 4, 0, 5),
    WEIGHT = c(1, 2.71, 4.2, 1)
#>   V1 V2 V3 VAL WEIGHT
#> 1  A  Y T1 100   1.00
#> 2  A  Z T2   0   2.71
#> 3  A  Y T1   7   4.20
#> 4  A  Z S_  25   1.00
#> 5  B  Y T1   0   1.00
#> 6  B  Z T1   4   2.71
#> 7  B  Y T1   0   4.20
#> 8  C  Z S_   5   1.00

summary ↑


The following installations must be carried out before the first use (and more later).


The functions of rtauargus calling τ-Argus require that this software is accessible from the workstation. The download of τ-Argus can be found on the dedicated page of the Dutch statistical office.

However, not all functions execute τ-Argus (creation of microdata…). Not having it on your computer is not a problem.


To work, rtauargus depends on other R packages. These have to be installed beforehand (in brackets the minimum versions required).

- purrr (>= 0.2)
- dplyr (>= 0.7)
- tidyr
- data.table
- gdata,
- stringr
- rlang
- zoo
- sdcHierarchies
- igraph
- lifecycle


The rtauargus package is ready to be installed.

summary ↑

Quick start

This part explains how to perform a minimal configuration of the package and how to apply statistical confidentiality in a single instruction.

Location of τ-Argus

When the package is loaded, the console displays some information:

In particular, a plausible location for the τ-Argus software is predefined. It is possible to change it for the duration of the R session. A message indicates that this location is unknown, so we modify it:

loc_tauargus <- "Y:/Logiciels/TauArgus/TauArgus4.2.3/TauArgus.exe"

options(rtauargus.tauargus_exe = loc_tauargus)

After this small adjustment, the package is ready to be used.

For a more customized configuration, see the section package-options._

Function rtauargus.

The function micro_rtauargus performs a processing and retrieves the results immediately in R.

Completely abstaining from the internal workings of τ-Argus, it allows to perform the entire process in a single instruction (specifically, all the intermediate files are created in a temporary directory which is deleted at the end of the R session).

rtauargus takes as mandatory arguments :

  • a data.frame containing the microdata ;
  • a list of 1 to 10 tabs composed of data.frame variables (a alone in the example below);
  • the rule(s) to be applied for primary secrecy ;
  • the method(s) for deleting the secondary secret boxes.

The last two arguments use the batch syntax τ-Argus.

Minimalist example

  microdata = microdata,
  explanatory_vars = "V1",
  safety_rules = "FREQ(3,10)",
  suppress = "GH(1,100)"
#> Start of batch procedure; file: C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\RTA_13aa85f527816.arb
#> <OPENMICRODATA> "C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\RTA_13aa866f06f26.asc"
#> <OPENMETADATA> "C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\RTA_13aa866f06f26.rda"
#> <SPECIFYTABLE> "V1"|"<freq>"||
#> Start explore file: C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\RTA_13aa866f06f26.asc
#> Start computing tables
#> Table: V1 | <freq> has been specified
#> Tables have been computed
#> Micro data file read; processing time 0 seconds
#> Tables from microdata have been read
#> <SUPPRESS> GH(1,100)
#> Start of the hypercube protection for table V1 | <freq>
#> End of hypercube protection. Time used 1 seconds
#>                    Number of suppressions: 1
#> The hypercube procedure has been applied
#>                    1 cells have been suppressed
#> <WRITETABLE> (1,4,AS+SE+,"C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\")
#> Table: V1 | <freq> has been written
#>                    Output file name: C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\
#> End of TauArgus run

As no response variable is given, a count is made (“<freq>”).

Elaborate example

Other parameters are available. For example, you can add the previous instruction with :

  • a second tabulation (the two tables will be treated independently) ;
  • a parameter allowing to not display the status of the secret for the FIRST TABLE;
  • a parameter to hide the log of τ-Argus in the console.

In addition, the tables produced are no longer simply sent to the console. They are stored in a secret1 object (a list consisting of two data.frame), which we can continue to manipulate.

secret1 <-
    microdata = microdata,
    explanatory_vars = list("V1", c("V1", "V2")), # 2 tabs (V1, V1xV2)
    safety_rules = "FREQ(3,10)",
    suppress = "GH(.,100)", # . replaces the tab number
    output_options = c("", "AS+"), # no status for the 1st array
    show_batch_console = FALSE # to hide the log
#> Start of batch procedure; file: C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\RTA_13aa821eb5b19.arb
#> <OPENMICRODATA> "C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\RTA_13aa85d87423f.asc"
#> <OPENMETADATA> "C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\RTA_13aa85d87423f.rda"
#> <SPECIFYTABLE> "V1"|"<freq>"||
#> <SPECIFYTABLE> "V1""V2"|"<freq>"||
#> Start explore file: C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\RTA_13aa85d87423f.asc
#> Start computing tables
#> Table: V1 | <freq> has been specified
#> Table: V1 x V2 | <freq> has been specified
#> Tables have been computed
#> Micro data file read; processing time 0 seconds
#> Tables from microdata have been read
#> <SUPPRESS> GH(1,100)
#> Start of the hypercube protection for table V1 | <freq>
#> End of hypercube protection. Time used 1 seconds
#>                    Number of suppressions: 1
#> The hypercube procedure has been applied
#>                    1 cells have been suppressed
#> <WRITETABLE> (1,4,,"C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\")
#> Table: V1 | <freq> has been written
#>                    Output file name: C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\
#> <SUPPRESS> GH(2,100)
#> Start of the hypercube protection for table V1 x V2 | <freq>
#> End of hypercube protection. Time used 1 seconds
#>                    Number of suppressions: 2
#> The hypercube procedure has been applied
#>                    2 cells have been suppressed
#> <WRITETABLE> (2,4,AS+,"C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\")
#> Table: V1 x V2 | <freq> has been written
#>                    Output file name: C:\Users\KQCFFL\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpm05wlj\
#> End of TauArgus run


Note on the writing suppress = "GH(.,100)" :_

The first parameter expected by τ-Argus is the tab number. Here, we want to apply the same method of deleting the secondary secret to each table. If there is only one method and several tabs, the characters between the parenthesis and the first comma are ignored and the automatically calculated tabulation numbers.

The function help only describes the 4 mandatory arguments. The arguments available are documented in the basic functions the constituent (micro_asc_rda, micro_arb, run_arb, import). All argument of these functions can be used in rtauargus. Their The following section provides details on the operation of the system.

summary ↑

Process decomposition

Using the micro_rtauargus function is convenient in terms of lines of code to enter. However, this approach can be quite cumbersome if the tables to be secreted have in common a certain number of characteristics.

For example, we would like to generate only the asc and rda files, then run several batches using these same files. This was not the case in the examples seen so far, where all intermediate files were systematically regenerated, even if their content was identical.

To do this, we can use the functions called successively by the function micro_rtauargus, namely :

micro_asc_rda()   →  micro_arb()   →  run_arb()   →   import()

[1] Function micro_asc_rda.

Argus only accepts microdata as input in a well-defined form:

  • a text file with fixed length columns, without column headers (.asc file) ;
  • a variable description file (.rda file).

The function micro_asc_rda produces these two files from a data.frame.

Minimalist example

Only the data and the name of the asc file are entered here. As the name of the metadata file is not specified, it takes the same name as the asc, but with the extension .rda.

micro_asc_rda(microdata, asc_filename = "Z:/microdata.asc")

Content of the files created :"Z:/microdata.asc", "Z:/microdata.rda", pager = "internal")
 microdata.asc     microdata.rda      
 A Y T1 100 1.00   V1 1 1             
 A Z T2   0 2.71     <RECODEABLE>     
 A Y T1   7 4.20     <TOTCODE> "Total"
 A Z S_  25 1.00   V2 3 1             
 B Y T1   0 1.00     <RECODEABLE>     
 B Z T1   4 2.71     <TOTCODE> "Total"
 B Y T1   0 4.20   V3 5 2             
 C Z S_   5 1.00     <RECODEABLE>     
                     <TOTCODE> "Total"
                   VAL 8 3            
                     <DECIMALS> 0     
                   WEIGHT 12 4        
                     <DECIMALS> 2     

The package functions accept file locations in the form of relative path. For example, asc_filename = "microdata.asc" with a working directory on Z:/ is equivalent to asc_filename = "Z:/microdata.asc"._

Elaborate example

We add to the previous example :

  • a weight variable ;
  • information on a hierarchical variable ;
  • differentiated codes for totals;
  • a minimum number of decimal places to be written for numerical variables.
  microdata = microdata,
  asc_filename = "Z:/microdata.asc",
  weight_var = "WEIGHT",
  hrc = c(V3 = "1 1"),
  totcode = c("Ensemble", V2 = "TOTAL"),
  decimals = 1

Content of the files created :"Z:/microdata.asc", "Z:/microdata.rda", pager = "internal")
 microdata.asc       microdata.rda         
 A Y T1 100.0 1.00   V1 1 1                
 A Z T2   0.0 2.71     <RECODEABLE>        
 A Y T1   7.0 4.20     <TOTCODE> "Ensemble"
 A Z S_  25.0 1.00   V2 3 1                
 B Y T1   0.0 1.00     <RECODEABLE>        
 B Z T1   4.0 2.71     <TOTCODE> "TOTAL"   
 B Y T1   0.0 4.20   V3 5 2                
 C Z S_   5.0 1.00     <RECODEABLE>        
                       <TOTCODE> "Ensemble"
                       <HIERLEVELS> 1 1    
                     VAL 8 5               
                       <DECIMALS> 1        
                     WEIGHT 14 4           
                       <DECIMALS> 2        

Temporary files

For any parameter *_filename not filled, the generated files are placed in a temporary folder. It is possible to retrieve the location and name (random) of these files in the return value of the function.

names_asc_rda <- micro_asc_rda(microdata)
#> $asc_filename
#> [1] "C:\\Users\\KQCFFL\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Rtmpm05wlj\\RTA_13aa875d56ea.asc"
#> $rda_filename
#> [1] "C:\\Users\\KQCFFL\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Rtmpm05wlj\\RTA_13aa875d56ea.rda"

summary ↑

[2] Function micro_arb.

This function builds a batch file executable by τ-Argus. It takes as mandatory arguments:

  • asc file name ;
  • tab(s) (up to 10, as a list) ;
  • primary secrecy rule(s);
  • method(s) for managing secondary secrecy.

The function also needs the name of the rda file. If it is not specified, the same name as the asc file with the .rda extension is used.

The function does not check the existence of the specified directories or files. It only generates a file of instructions, without evaluating the validity._

Minimalist example

  arb_filename = "Z:/microdata.arb",
  asc_filename = "Z:/microdata.asc",
  explanatory_vars = "V1",
  safety_rules = "FREQ(3,10)",
  suppress = "GH(.,100)",
  output_names = "Z:/results/secretV1.csv"

Content of the file created :"Z:/microdata.arb", pager = "internal")
// Batch generated by package *rtauargus*
// (2025-02-17 12:14:22 CET)
<OPENMICRODATA> "Z:\microdata.asc"
<OPENMETADATA> "Z:\microdata.rda"
<SPECIFYTABLE> "V1"|"<freq>"||
<SUPPRESS> GH(1,100)
<WRITETABLE> (1,4,AS+SE+,"Z:\results\secretV1.csv")

Elaborate example

The previous example is completed with :

  • a second tab ;
  • a response variable to be summed (instead of a count) ;
  • the addition of 85% dominance for the second table;
  • a weighting in the first table (but not in the second);
  • deletion of empty crossovers in both tables (SE+).

Passing a single value for an option applies the same treatment to each tab. For differentiated options, it is necessary to pass a vector containing as many values as there are tabs.

``{r arb2} micro_arb( arb_filename = “Z:/microdata.arb”, asc_filename = “Z:/microdata.asc”, explanatory_vars = list(“V1”, c(“V2”, “V3”)), response_var = “VAL”, safety_rules = c(“FREQ(3,10)”, “FREQ(3,10)|NK(1,85)”), weighted = c(TRUE, FALSE), suppress = “GH(.,100)”, output_options = “AS+SE+” )

``` r"Z:/microdata.arb", pager = "internal")
// Batch generated by package *rtauargus*
// (2025-02-17 12:14:22 CET)
<OPENMICRODATA> "Z:\microdata.asc"
<OPENMETADATA> "Z:\microdata.rda"
<SPECIFYTABLE> "V1"|"<freq>"||
<SUPPRESS> GH(1,100)
<WRITETABLE> (1,4,AS+SE+,"Z:\results\secretV1.csv")

Temporary files

In the previous example, the output file names (output_names) were not specified, which led to the generation of file names temporary. Specifying the name of the .arb file is not mandatory either. These information can be retrieved from the return value of the function.

infos_arb <-
    asc_filename = "Z:/microdata.asc",
    explanatory_vars = list("V1", c("V2", "V3")),
    safety_rules = "FREQ(3,10)",
    suppress = "GH(.,100)",
    output_type = "4"
#> $arb_filename
#> [1] "C:\\Users\\KQCFFL\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Rtmpm05wlj\\RTA_13aa83d136448.arb"
#> $output_names
#> [1] "C:\\Users\\KQCFFL\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Rtmpm05wlj\\"
#> [2] "C:\\Users\\KQCFFL\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Rtmpm05wlj\\"

summary ↑

[3] Function run_arb

Now that the instructions have been generated in an .arb file, we can submit it to τ-Argus in batch mode. We get the list of tables secreted :

secret2 <- run_arb("Z:/microdata.arb", missing_dir = "create")
#> Start of batch procedure; file: Z:\microdata.arb
#> <OPENMICRODATA> "Z:\microdata.asc"
#> <OPENMETADATA> "Z:\microdata.rda"
#> <SPECIFYTABLE> "V1"|"<freq>"||
#> Start explore file: Z:\microdata.asc
#> Start computing tables
#> Table: V1 | <freq> has been specified
#> Tables have been computed
#> Micro data file read; processing time 0 seconds
#> Tables from microdata have been read
#> <SUPPRESS> GH(1,100)
#> Start of the hypercube protection for table V1 | <freq>
#> End of hypercube protection. Time used 1 seconds
#>                    Number of suppressions: 1
#> The hypercube procedure has been applied
#>                    1 cells have been suppressed
#> <WRITETABLE> (1,4,AS+SE+,"Z:\results\secretV1.csv")
#> Table: V1 | <freq> has been written
#>                    Output file name: Z:\results\secretV1.csv
#> End of TauArgus run


run_arb is the only function in the package that runs τ-Argus. It requires that the software be accessible from the workstation.

Only the arb_filename argument is mandatory, because all the information are present in the .arb file. Optional parameters are also available:

  • missing_dir : action to perform if a folder where the result will be written does not exist (trigger an error or create it)
  • tauargus_exe : to change the executable (override the rtauargus.tauargus_exe the time of the function) ;
  • logbook : location and name of the file containing the error log;
  • show_batch_on_console` : to display or not the batch progress in the console ;
  • import : if disabled, the function only generates text files without importing them into R (see next section for details).

If the tabs have been given a name in micro_arb, these names are used for the list of data.frames output from run_arb (no names defined in the example above).

Checks are made before the actual launch of τ-Argus : existence of the software on the workstation, asc and rda files, folders where write the results, variables to be used (crosses, variable of response, …) in the metadata (rda file)._

summary ↑

[4] Import function

This function imports the results produced by τ-Argus (text files) to from the information contained in an arb file. It therefore requires that that the batch has been completed without error and that the files are still present.

For this last reason, the import function is typically called from run_arb by setting import = TRUE. It can also be used from independently (e.g. if you don’t want to restart a batch that has took a long time to execute).

secret2 <- import("Z:/microdata.arb")
# produces the same result as run_arb("Z:/microdata.arb", import = TRUE)

Accepted formats

It is only possible (at the moment) to import results of type :

  • 2: csv for pivot-table
  • 4: sbs output format

If the import is impossible for a given tab, an empty data.frame is returned (with a warning message).

Tab attributes

Each data.frame in the list is associated with a set of attributes, some metadata keeping track of the specifications passed to τ-Argus.

For example, for secret2[[2]] (the second array of secret2), we have the parameters that were passed to the function (the other correspond to default values of the package).

#>  NULL

summary ↑

Package options

The package options define the default behavior of the functions.

These options are used if a mandatory argument of a function is not filled in. They allow not to repeat systematically the same parameter at each call of a function. The option name is the name of the argument of a function preceded by rtauargus. :

For example, rtauargus.decimals will be the value used if the argument The decimals of the micro_asc_rda function is not filled by the user.

On loading, the package assigns a default value to all options of rtauargus that are not yet declared. The options already defined by the user keep their values.

The available options and their default values are listed below:

Option Default value Type Function concerned
rtauargus.decimals 0 integer tab_rda
rtauargus.decimals 0 integer micro_asc_rda
rtauargus.totcode “Total” character tab_rda
rtauargus.totcode “Total” character micro_asc_rda
rtauargus.missing “” character micro_asc_rda
rtauargus.hierleadstring “@” character micro_asc_rda
rtauargus.hierleadstring “@” character tab_rda
rtauargus.separator “,” character tab_arb
rtauargus.separator “,” character tab_rda
rtauargus.response_var “<freq>” character micro_arb
rtauargus.weighted FALSE logical micro_arb
rtauargus.linked FALSE logical micro_arb
rtauargus.output_type “4” character tab_arb
rtauargus.output_type “4” character micro_arb
rtauargus.output_options “” character micro_arb
rtauargus.output_options “” character tab_arb
rtauargus.missing_dir “stop” character run_arb
rtauargus.tauargus_exe “Y:/Logiciels/TauArgus/TauArgus.exe” character run_arb
rtauargus.show_batch_console FALSE logical run_arb
rtauargus.import FALSE logical run_arb
rtauargus.is_tabular TRUE logical run_arb


To view the options set for the current session:

#> $rtauargus.decimals
#> [1] 0
#> $rtauargus.hierleadstring
#> [1] "@"
#> $rtauargus.import
#> [1] FALSE
#> $rtauargus.is_tabular
#> [1] TRUE
#> $rtauargus.linked
#> [1] FALSE
#> $rtauargus.missing
#> [1] ""
#> $rtauargus.missing_dir
#> [1] "stop"
#> $rtauargus.output_options
#> [1] "AS+SE+"
#> $rtauargus.output_type
#> [1] "4"
#> $rtauargus.response_var
#> [1] "<freq>"
#> $rtauargus.separator
#> [1] ","
#> $rtauargus.show_batch_console
#> [1] FALSE
#> $rtauargus.tauargus_exe
#> [1] "Y:/Logiciels/TauArgus/TauArgus4.2.3/TauArgus.exe"
#> $rtauargus.totcode
#> [1] "Total"
#> $rtauargus.weighted
#> [1] FALSE

The values are identical to the default values, except for the location of τ-Argus, which has been previously modified. They appear in the order alphabetical.

summary ↑

Modification, reset

To modify one or more options, use the following syntax (the same as above) than the one used to modify the location of τ-Argus) :

  rtauargus.show_batch_console = FALSE,
  rtauargus.output_options = "AS+SE+",
  rtauargus.output_type = "4",
  rtauargus.response_var = "VAL"

#> List of 15
#>  $ rtauargus.decimals          : int 0
#>  $ rtauargus.hierleadstring    : chr "@"
#>  $ rtauargus.import            : logi FALSE
#>  $ rtauargus.is_tabular        : logi TRUE
#>  $ rtauargus.linked            : logi FALSE
#>  $ rtauargus.missing           : chr ""
#>  $ rtauargus.missing_dir       : chr "stop"
#>  $ rtauargus.output_options    : chr "AS+SE+"
#>  $ rtauargus.output_type       : chr "4"
#>  $ rtauargus.response_var      : chr "VAL"
#>  $ rtauargus.separator         : chr ","
#>  $ rtauargus.show_batch_console: logi FALSE
#>  $ rtauargus.tauargus_exe      : chr "Y:/Logiciels/TauArgus/TauArgus4.2.3/TauArgus.exe"
#>  $ rtauargus.totcode           : chr "Total"
#>  $ rtauargus.weighted          : logi FALSE

To reset certain options:

reset_rtauargus_options("rtauargus.response_var", "rtauargus.output_type")

# It is possible to omit the prefix 'rtauargus.
# The following instruction is equivalent:
reset_rtauargus_options("response_var", "output_type")

#> List of 15
#>  $ rtauargus.decimals          : int 0
#>  $ rtauargus.hierleadstring    : chr "@"
#>  $ rtauargus.import            : logi FALSE
#>  $ rtauargus.is_tabular        : logi TRUE
#>  $ rtauargus.linked            : logi FALSE
#>  $ rtauargus.missing           : chr ""
#>  $ rtauargus.missing_dir       : chr "stop"
#>  $ rtauargus.output_options    : chr "AS+SE+"
#>  $ rtauargus.output_type       : chr "4"
#>  $ rtauargus.response_var      : chr "<freq>"
#>  $ rtauargus.separator         : chr ","
#>  $ rtauargus.show_batch_console: logi FALSE
#>  $ rtauargus.tauargus_exe      : chr "Y:/Logiciels/TauArgus/TauArgus4.2.3/TauArgus.exe"
#>  $ rtauargus.totcode           : chr "Total"
#>  $ rtauargus.weighted          : logi FALSE

To reset all values to default (including the path to τ-Argus modified at the beginning of the demonstration), do not specify any argument:

summary ↑

Local or global reach

Like any R function, the parameterization is done by specifying each of the arguments when the function is called (local scope).

The option system of the package allows by the instructions options(rtauargus.<option> = <value>) to define options in a more global. Depending on where these instructions are written, the configuration will last more or less long:

  • in the script, for an effect on the current session only;
  • in a user configuration file (.Rprofile…), to allow a user to keep track of his presets from a session on the other.

The second way is not recommended if the chain of treatment is intended to be reproducible. Indeed, an identical script executed on two different machines could produce two results different._

summary ↑

Other information

Other features

Some features of the package are not mentioned in this getting started:

  • management of linked arrays (argument linked in micro_arb)
  • creation of hierarchical variables from microdata (function write_hrc).
  • taking into account of apriori file (argument apriori in micro_arb)
  • use of the micro_rtauargus function from microdata already under as a text file (not data.frame)
  • optimized launch of a large number of crosses with the same parameters (primary secrecy rules, secondary secrecy method, …) : function rtauargus_plus

See the help for these functions for more information.

Ideas for the future

  • implement request parameters…
  • take into account tabulated input data

Report a problem, suggest an improvement

The package is under construction. All the features of τ-Argus have not been integrated (the purpose is not to integrate them all, only the most frequently used).

For any return or error report, please use this link (click on “New issue”). Requires to be connected to gitlab-Insee.

About this vignette

  • Author: Pierre-Yves Berrard
  • Updated by: Julien Jamme
  • Last update: 17/02/2025
  • Version of rtauargus used: 1.2.999
  • Version of τ-Argus used : TauArgus 4.2.3
  • R version used : 4.3.3

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