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This function regroups tables that are included in each other into clusters, keeping only the tables necessary for protection. Based on the inclusion relationships detected by the create_edges() function, the tables are aggregated to minimize redundancy. The output identifies the final tables that need to be protected and provides a mapping of original table names to their respective groups.





A list of data frames, where each data frame describes the inclusion relationships (from and to) between tables in a cluster. Typically, this is the output of the create_edges() function.


A list of results for each cluster, where each result is a list containing:

  • tab_finales: A data frame describing the final relationships between grouped tables. It includes only the tables necessary for protection.

  • passage_nom_tab: A data frame mapping original table names (Original) to their respective groups (Group).


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example data

# Convert wide metadata to long format
metadata_pizza_lettuce_long <- wide_to_long(metadata_pizza_lettuce)

# Identify hierarchical relationships
list_hrc_identified <- identify_hrc(metadata_pizza_lettuce_long)

# Split tables into clusters
list_split <- split_in_clusters(list_hrc_identified)

# Detect inclusion relationships
list_desc_links <- create_edges(list_split)

# Group tables based on inclusion relationships
list_translation_tables <- grp_tab_names(list_desc_links)

# View structure of the results
} # }