
This paper focuses on different approaches to build moving averages for real-time trend-cycle estimation and fast turning point detection. We propose a comparison of the main methods, based on a general unifying framework to derive linear filters. We also describe two possible extensions to local polynomial filters: the addition of a timeliness criterion to control the phase shift (delay in the detection of turning points) and a way to locally parameterize these filters. The empirical comparison of the methods shows that: the optimization problems of the filters from the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) theory increase the phase shift and the revisions of the trend-cycle estimates; modeling polynomial trends that are too complex introduces more revisions without decreasing the phase shift; for polynomial filters, a local parameterization reduces the phase shift and the revisions.

Keywords: time series, trend-cycle, seasonal adjustment, turning points.

JEL Classification: E32, E37.