Annotation de paires
// Now create the grid_two_dataframes template literal
grid_two_dataframes = await html`
<div style="
background: #fff;
margin: 0;
border: none;
display: grid;
width: ${screen.width};
'a b'
'c c'
'f d'
'g g'
'h h'
'i i'
'e e'
grid-gap: 10px;
<div name="a" style="grid-area: a; position: relative;">${viewof tt1}</div>
<div name="b" style="grid-area: b; position: relative;">${viewof tt2}</div>
<div name="c" style="grid-area: c; position: relative;">${viewof decision}</div>
<div name="f" style="grid-area: f; position: relative;">${viewof text_input}</div>
<div name="d" style="grid-area: d; position: relative;">${count_printed}</div>
<div name="g" style="grid-area: g; position: relative;">${message_share}</div>
<div name="h" style="grid-area: h; position: relative;">${progress}</div>
<div name="i" style="grid-area: i; position: relative;">${message_final}</div>
<div name="e" style="grid-area: e; position: relative;">${viewof download}</div>
message_share = {
if (share < 10){
return md`Vous avez annoté ${share}% des paires du fichier d'entrée`
} else {
return md`Bravo vous avez annoté ${share}% des paires du fichier d'entrée`
progress = {
const width = 360;
const height = 20;
const context = DOM.context2d(width, height); = "solid 1px black";
const i = width*(share/100);
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
context.fillStyle = 'green'
context.fillRect(0, 0, i, height);
yield context.canvas;
message_final = {
if (share === 100){
return md`__Vous avez annoté l'ensemble de votre fichier 💪🎉__`
} else {
return md``
table_names = db.sql`SELECT column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'match'`
column_names = table_names.flatMap(item => item.column_name)
df = db.sql`SELECT * FROM match`
df_query = db.query(
`SELECT ${ => l + "_query").join(', ')} FROM match`
df_match = db.query(
`SELECT ${ => l + "_match").join(', ')} FROM match`
n_rows_sql = db.sql`SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM match`
n_rows = n_rows_sql[0]['COUNT']
max_count = Math.min(Number(n_rows),count)
current_row = Math.min(Number(n_rows)-1,count)
unique_columns_dup = => columnName.replace("_query", "").replace("_match", ""));
unique_columns = Array.from(new Set(unique_columns_dup))
viewof csvfile = Inputs.file({label: md`__Fichier à annoter__ 📁 ([Exemple ici](`, accept: ".csv", required: true})
viewof columns_to_show = Inputs.checkbox(
{label: "Colonnes à afficher", value: unique_columns, format: d => d.replace("_", " ").capitalize()})
viewof filename_input = Inputs.text(
label: html`<b>Nom du fichier pour l'export</b>📁`,
placeholder: "annotations.json",
value: "annotations.json"
function serialize (data) {
let s = JSON.stringify(data);
return new Blob([s], {type: "application/json"})
viewof download =, filename_input.replace(".json", ""), "Sauvegarder les annotations 👇 dans un fichier")
viewof text_input = (count,
{label: html`<b>Raison de la décision</b>`,
//disabled: decision == null,
placeholder: "Un texte explicatif"})
decision_label = [
{text: "Accepter 👍️", color: "green", decision: "Accepted"},
{text: "Rejeter 👎️", color: "red", decision: "Rejected"},
{text: "Indécis 🤷", color: "blue", decision: "Undecided"},
viewof decision = (count,
{label: "Décision",
format: x => (x == null) ? html`<span style="border-bottom: solid 2px blue; margin-bottom: -2px;">Décision à prendre 🤔` : html`<span style="text-transform: capitalize; border-bottom: solid 2px ${x.color}; margin-bottom: -2px;">${x.text}`,
value: null
function reshape_row(row) {
return Object.entries(row).map(([column, value]) => ({ column, value }));
function color_accepted(d) {
const backgroundColor = d === "Accepted" ? "#5f9c5f" : "#fc4747";
return html`<div style="background: ${backgroundColor};text-align:right;padding:2px 5px;">${d}</div>`;
function create_color_mapping(array_left, array_right) {
const mapping = {};
array_left.forEach((obj1, index) => {
const obj2 = array_right[index];
const key = obj1.value; // Use obj1.value as the key
if (obj1.value === obj2.value) {
mapping[key] = "#5f9c5f";
} else {
mapping[key] = "#fc4747";
return mapping
function create_color_map(key, array) {
const value = array[key];
const backgroundColor = value ;
return html`<div style="background: ${backgroundColor};text-align:right;padding:2px 5px;">${key}</div>`;
function create_variable_row(d){
const d_nice = d.replace("_query", "").capitalize().replace("_", " ") ;
return html`<b>${d_nice}</b>`;
function table_pairs(array, color_scale, header, columns, layout = "fixed") {
const tt = Inputs.table(
format: {
"value": d => create_color_map(d, color_scale),
"column": d => create_variable_row(d)
header: header,
columns: columns,
rows: 18,
layout: layout
) ;
return tt
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'capitalize', {
value: function() {
return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);
enumerable: false
colors_data1 = create_color_mapping(array1, array2)
colors_data2 = create_color_mapping(array2, array1)
viewof tt1 = table_pairs(
array1, colors_data1,
{"value": "Valeur observée", "column": "Variable d'intérêt"},
["column", "value"]
d = [];
function push_mutable(d){
if (decision !== null) {
if (d.some(element => element.count === current_row)){
const index_replace = d.findIndex(element => element.count === current_row);
d[index_replace] = d_row ;
} else{
return d ;
x = push_mutable(d)
d_row = {
// Assuming `count` and `data_pairs` are already defined
const newElement = { ...df[current_row] }; // Create a shallow copy of the original element
if (decision !== null) {
newElement.similarity = decision.decision; // Update the "field" property with the value of `decision.decision`
newElement.justification = "no decision yet" ;
newElement.count = current_row ;
} else {
newElement.count = current_row ;
newElement.similarity = "no decision yet"; // Set the "field" property to "nothing" if `decision.decision` is null
//newElement.justification = text_input ;
return newElement;
count_printed = {
// Define a variable to hold the content of the 'd' div
let countDivContent;
// Check if 'decision' is null or not and set the 'countDivContent' accordingly
if (decision === null) {
countDivContent = viewof count_disabled;
} else {
countDivContent = viewof count;
return countDivContent
count_hidden = {
// Define a variable to hold the content of the 'd' div
let countDivContent;
// Check if 'decision' is null or not and set the 'countDivContent' accordingly
if (decision === null) {
countDivContent = viewof count;
} else {
countDivContent = viewof count_disabled;
return countDivContent