Classifying companies in France using machine learning

UNECE Machine Learning for Official Statistics Workshop 2023

5 June 2023



  • Several major changes:

    • Internal: Revamping of the French company registry, Sirene 4.
    • External: Implementation of a one-stop shop to declare the creation of a business.
  • Observation: Sicore is no longer a suitable tool ➨ 30% automated coding.

  • Consequence: Ideal moment to propose a new methodology for automated NACE coding.


  • \(\approx\) 10 million observations from Sirene 3 covering the period 2014-2022.

  • Data labeled both by Sicore and manually.

  • An observation consists of:

    • A textual description of the activity
    • The nature of the activityNAT (23 categories)
    • The type of formTYP (15 categories)
    • The type of eventEVT (24 categories)
    • The area (\(m^2\))SUR (4 categories)

Hierarchical structure of NACE Rev. 2

Level NACE Title Size
Section H Transportation and storage 21
Division 52 Warehousing and support activities for transportation 88
Group 522 Support activities for transportation 272
Class 5224 Cargo handling 615
Subclass 5224A Harbour handling 732


Feature extraction

  • Word embedding: a method of vectorisation.
  • Pre-trained embeddings available in open-source.
  • We learn our own word embeddings.
  • Additionally, embeddings for:
    • word n-grams and character n-grams.

Linear classifer

  • 2 classification methods:
    • Softmax: a single multiclass classifier.
    • One-vs-all: multiple binary classifiers.
  • Optimisation: stochastic gradient descent algorithm.
  • Loss function: cross-entropy.

fastText model

  • fastText: very simple and fast (C++) “bag of n-grams” model.

Handling categorical variables

  • Concatenation of the text description with the names and values of the auxiliary variables:
Cours de musique NaN X 01P NaN

“Cours de musique NAT_NaN TYP_X EVT_01P SUR_NaN

  • Imperfect method: 3-grams “AT_” or “T_0” used.


  • Preprocessing essential for natural language processing.
  • Constraints: simple, light and easily reproducible in Java .
Transformation Text description
Input 3 D: La Deratisation - La Desinsectisation - La Desinfection
Lower-case conversion 3 d: la deratisation - la desinsectisation - la desinfection
Punctuations removal 3 d la deratisation la desinsectisation la desinfection


Transformation Text description
Input 3 D: La Deratisation - La Desinsectisation - La Desinfection
Numbers removal d la deratisation la desinsectisation la desinfection
One-letter word removal la deratisation la desinsectisation la desinfection
Stopwords removal deratisation desinsectisation desinfection


Transformation Text description
Input 3 D: La Deratisation - La Desinsectisation - La Desinfection
NaN removal deratisation desinsectisation desinfection
Stemming deratis desinsectis desinfect


A good overall performance

Figure 1: Accuracy for various level of the NACE nomenclature.

  • Nearly 80% of labels from the one-stop shop are correctly coded.
  • Most prediction errors are close in the nomenclature.

Streamlining the manual coding process

Figure 2: Top-\(k\) accuracy per sample.

  • Knowledge of probabilities for each class.
  • The correct classification is among the top 5 most probable predictions in 94% of cases.

Building a confidence index

Figure 3: Distribution of the confidence index based on prediction results.

  • Objective: discriminate between bad and good predictions.
  • Selected Confidence Index: difference between the two highest probabilities.

Efficiency of the manual coding process

Figure 4: Accuracy for various shares of manual coding.

  • Optimisation of manual coding process ➨ Performance improvement.

From experiment to production

Deployment of the model

  • Models have been deployed in a production environment since November 2022.
  • Emerging new challenges include:
    • Organisational issues.
    • Real-time monitoring.
    • Regular re-training.
  • MLOps approach is required:
    • Join us on Wednesday, June 7th for a Hands-on Lab!