Retraining strategies for an economic activity classification model

European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics 2024

21 May 2024


Machine learning in official statistics

  • Today, machine learning systems contribute effectively to the production of official statistics
  • Coding engines, data editing: outlier detection, imputation
  • CoP: “Source data, integrated data, intermediate results and statistical outputs [must be] regularly assessed and validated” and “revisions [must be] regularly analysed in order to improve source data, statistical processes and outputs”
  • This naturally applies when ML systems are leveraged in the process of producing statistics

Quality of ML systems

  • A ML model is trained to solve a task based on reference data
  • Real-life data can deviate from the reference data, which leads to performance issues
  • Retraining is necessary to avoid these issues

Coding system

Description of the coding system

  • Sirene is the French national company register
  • When a company registers, an activity code is attributed
  • A model trained on historical Sirene data is used when it is confident enough. Otherwise, the description is given a code manually



  • Evaluation on historical data: very high accuracy of 89%
  • With newer hand-coded data: reduced accuracy of 80% due to a distribution shift in the data
  • Company activities evolve over time. New businesses appear, businesses traditionally associated with a certain activity may see this activity evolve, etc.



  • The model is served via a REST API (developed with FastAPI)
  • A process fetches logs daily, parses them and saves their content on a persistent storage
  • An interactive dashboard is built with Quarto to offer insight on data and how it is coded


Dashboard tab offering daily and weekly insight on the number of queries to the API and its automatic coding rate.


Dashboard tab displaying the two distributions of predicted classes at a specified level of the classification system for two specified time windows.

Continuous performance evaluation

  • We continuously increment an evaluation set to monitor the performance of the ML system
  • Batches are sampled from recent Sirene data and uploaded onto Label Studio
  • For now data is shared between annotators and each description is coded once (could change in the future)
  • The dashboard is enriched with additional tabs leveraging evaluation data

Continuous performance evaluation

Dashboard tab giving insight on the monthly accuracy of the evaluation set.


Periodic retraining

  • Company activities evolve over time. A first strategy is to retrain the model periodically
  • How frequently ? There is a tradeoff as there should be a validation procedure to use a new model in production
  • In our case, distribution shifts are not large. It is reasonable to retrain twice a year

Additional retraining

  • Additional specific retraining procedures can be triggered:
    • When the monitoring system detects unusual shifts in the data
    • When repeated claims are made by certain companies on their activity code
    • When coding concepts change

What training data ?

  • When retraining a model from scratch: how far should we go in the past to build the training set ?
  • Empirical evaluation is necessary:
    • Model capabilities scale with training data
    • Older data has lower quality labels

What training data ?

Accuracy and training set size as functions of the earliest year included in historical training data
